Book Review: Dance, Place, and Poetics: Site-Specific Performance as a Portal to Knowing




embodiment, curriculum studies, site-specific performance, somatics, poetic inquiry


Celeste Nazeli Snowber’s 2022 book Dance, Place, and Poetics: Site-Specific Performance as a Portal to Knowingcannot fully be captured in a review. The book combines dance videos, sound recordings, poetry and incredible photos. The author offers a refreshing and rejuvenating yet radical approach to a relational understanding of ourselves and others, both humans and non-humans. In this text, I walk the reader through the book. I summarize and highlight the main themes and trends as they relate to curriculum studies.

Author Biography

Carolina Bergonzoni, Simon Fraser University

Carolina Bergonzoni is a dance artist, somatic educator and practitioner, and emergent scholar. Carolina holds a Ph.D. in Arts Education, as well as a Shadbolt Fellowship, from Simon Fraser University.


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How to Cite

Bergonzoni, C. (2023). Book Review: Dance, Place, and Poetics: Site-Specific Performance as a Portal to Knowing. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 20(2-3), 173–180.



Book Reviews / Recensions