Poetic Ponderings of Being at Home/Not at Home: (Em)bodiment in the Spaces In-Between


  • Cristyne Hébert York University



Mots-clés :

home, place, in-between, self, representation


This poetic inquiry grapples with the notion of home—what it means to be at home in all of its de/generative possibilities of dis/placement, be/longing, and be/coming. Home, as a place that one is from, is explored by way of the tensions in-between place and self, highlighted through a series of personal vignettes. In working through what it means to inhabit the space in-between, the author calls attention to the limits of language for representing the in-between within a text, detailing the constraints of the dash and ampersand and offering the slash as a possible means of representation.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Cristyne Hébert, York University

Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Research on Digital Learning




Comment citer

Hébert, C. (2016). Poetic Ponderings of Being at Home/Not at Home: (Em)bodiment in the Spaces In-Between. La Revue De l’association Canadienne Pour l’étude De Curriculum , 14(1), 166–181. https://doi.org/10.25071/1916-4467.40309